Saville petiite series by timeworks
Saville petiite series by timeworks

saville petiite series by timeworks

Cassian moved his wrist slow and easy while Nesta continued tracing patterns on his wings. When his hand clasped his cock, Nesta made a soft noise of encouragement. With every caress, his moans became more desperate. Her fingers were light as they tracked beneath the tendons. He had stilled completely, face inches from her peaked nipples, breathing heavily. The soft groan that came from Cassian did nothing to perturb Nesta in fact, she was entranced by it. The pad of her thumb followed the thickest tendon. Without really thinking, she arched her back, giving him better access to her breasts but reached to touch his wing too. There was line drawn between them and Nesta was beginning to step over it. He traced the curve of her breast with his hand and her breathing hitched. The sensation sent a shiver down her spine. Lightly, his teeth dragged against her skin. His tongue flicked against her neck and she allowed herself to relax into the embrace. She leant her head back against the pillows as Cassian kissed lightly along her jaw. Nesta let herself be drawn deeper into their kisses, catching his lips with kisses of her own. Nesta rose her body up, clutching Cassian even tighter to reassure herself that this was real. His hands weaved through her hair and cradled her face. The man on top of her sucked in a ragged, desperate breath then he was touching Nesta. ‘If we cannot have a future, let us have tonight.’ He’d swept into her life, chopped wood and ensured she had food for no reason other than that he cared. Just as magnets were drawn to each other, she wanted this loud and over-familiar man. And now, she had met this man who was her opposite in every way, but she wanted him.


She tried to cling onto something stable while the whole world swirled around her in a torrent of emotions.


Her hand rested against the hot skin of his chest, admiring the ink carved into his flesh. Nesta swallowed and pressed a hand to him to stop eventually. For all his cocky-façade, Cassian was gentle with Nesta. Most of his weight was raised upon his forearms so he didn’t crush her, but with the way her heart fluttered, Nesta might not have minded if he did. Then Cassian rolled so he lay on top of her. The touch was fragile as though he was afraid to hurt her. Such a simple declaration and yet Nesta was undone by his words. Their bodies melded to each other’s, hearts singing as one. It ought to be a scandal to lay in bed with Cassian – a man and a faerie – but none of it felt wrong. ‘In the next world – the next life – we will find each other again.’ ‘In another place, another time, there might have been hope for us,’ she said. And she wasn’t about to start.Ĭassian leaned into her touch as she stroked the rough-hewn planes of his face, savouring it. No, Nesta had never been one to let her heart guide her decisions. But sometimes logic was wrong, even if she was ruled by it. She was setting herself up for heartbreak to imagine a better life. Logic was telling her it would be foolish to even think about the cities Cassian had described. They had been drawn to the thud of his pulse.

saville petiite series by timeworks

She let her fingers drift down his face to settle on his neck. What happens in thirty years? Forty? You’ll take care of me when arthritis riddles my bones? When my mind is trapped in the past? You would look the same.’ I’d always be in danger – you wouldn’t be able to keep me at your side constantly or I’d be no better than a pet.’Ĭassian tried to speak but Nesta pressed two fingers over his lips. Their lives couldn’t be any more different.

saville petiite series by timeworks

It was so tempting to be part of something else, another family, another life.

saville petiite series by timeworks

His eyes had lit up when he had spoken of snowball fights with his brothers and racing across Illyria. He spoke of his family with near reverence. A strong gust of wind would have knocked them down.Ĭassian’s expression hadn’t wavered as though he expected that answer. ‘I c-can’t.’ The words came out without conviction. Home was the love the servants had given her as a child, the ones who had tucked her into bed and told her stories, who had cradled her when she was sick. She thought of the servant’s husband who drove the coach for Nesta’s father how he’d always have sugar lumps in his pocket for the horses and would lift Nesta up so the horse could snuffle one from her palm. When she thought of home, she thought of the elderly servant who had not scolded her when she found her hiding under the kitchen table but instead lifted her onto the top and let her ice the sticky buns. The vast estate her parents had once owned had not been a home either. Had Nesta known what a home was? It wasn’t a place. Part Six - A little bit of spice and a little bit of sadnessĬassian stroked a thumb across Nesta’s cheek and smiled. Part One ¦ Part Two ¦ Part Three ¦ Part Four ¦ Part Five

Saville petiite series by timeworks